M A L I B U  C O A S T

C  A  P  I  T  A  L    p  a  r  t  n  e  r  s

With good relationships and compelling strategies, capital is close at hand. We lead with the opportunity, having its goals dictate the right structure and source of capital. Whether funding is best secured from only our partnership or third parties (or a hybrid) is driven by business needs and event horizons.

Transformational transactions are difficult to cultivate if your standards are high. Challenges abound with multiple simultaneous variables and both systemic or situation-specific risk affecting all sides of a potential partnership. Our approach endeavors to take the long view to results and work backward from the desired destination by thoughtfully architecting the necessary steps to achieve goals. Looking for hybrid solutions combining new ideas with the tried and true, against a backdrop of fundamental execution, a commitment to detail and the persistence necessary to reach exceptional outcomes, we stand ready to put experience, capital and resolve to work in select opportunities where the fit with key decision makers is strong and the feeling is mutual.

Senior executives from many walks of life comprise our team. We selected each other for the same reason you want us on your journey: the number of times someone has been down a road determines their ability to see around corners, navigate detours, forge new ways... and reach the desired destination.

No man is an island. Ours is a long term perspective - relationship based rather than simply deal driven. As such, personal fit is key. Interlocking members form a solid path that lasts as a foundation of reciprocal high-integrity partnerships. We do business with the right people, at the right time, for the right purpose.



 discovery, direction, determination, delivery
