M A L I B U  C O A S T

C  A  P  I  T  A  L    p  a  r  t  n  e  r  s

Our approach

We wish to lead or partner on situations that leverage our specific skillsets and to which we can add value as active participants rather than simply as passive Board members. We are middle market driven with an appetite for $25-250 million opportunities involving mid to late stage companies. Transaction types include:

Selling a Company, Business Unit or Operating Division

Buying a Company, Business Unit or Operating Division

Recapitalizations, Complete or Partial

Subordinated Debt or Mezzanine Capital

Growth Financings

We prefer change of control transactions, but we are open to opportunities in which the strength of our likemindedness and our ability to be an impact player make for a good fit even if change of control may not be the intended outcome.